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Regular Giving

Join our Hamlin Regular Giver community

Join a community who are determined to eradicate fistula. Forever. A regular gift of just $3.60 a day will provide life-changing surgery to a women in Ethiopia who has suffered a devastating childbirth injury. Joining our community of regular givers is one of the most effective ways to support the work that Drs Reg & Catherine Hamlin started.

Obstetric fistula injuries are one of the worst things that can happen to a woman. Without medical assistance, women can experience obstructed labour for days. In Ethiopia, this often results in the loss of a baby, and debilitating internal injuries which leave a woman incontinent. Ashamed, alone, and without medical treatment, these women become isolated from their families and communities. Your regular donations can help us find, heal, and empower these women.

It is easy to become a Hamlin Regular Giver.

The easiest way to sign up is via our online form. If you have any questions, you can email us at info@hamlinfistula.org.nz

We are an approved charity with the Inland Revenue. Donations of $5 or more are eligible for a donation rebate. At the end of every financial year, we will send you a receipt for all your gifts over the past financial year.

Joining our community of regular givers is one of the most impactful ways you can help women in Ethiopia. Your ongoing donations allow us to plan ahead and deliver the best care and support we can for fistula patients as well as prevent fistula injuries in the future. Thank you!

Help us give hope to every woman.

Keep up to date with our work including the latest news from our programmes in Ethiopia, ways to get involved and how your support can make a difference.
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Hamlin Fistula NZ is committed to providing ongoing support for fistula surgery and for the preventive work of the midwives. The hospital in Addis Ababa has become a centre of excellence to which doctors from other countries come to learn and master the specialist skills of fistula surgery.

Photography credits to Mary F. Calvert, Kate Geraghty, Amber Hooper, Joni Kabana, Joli Wescombe, Natasha Meyer and Martha Tadesse.