Founded in Ethiopia by pioneering Kiwi and Australian surgeons, Reg and Catherine Hamlin, our work reflects a lifetime quest to provide treatment to the most marginalised women: those who have suffered an obstetric fistula.
Obstetric fistula is a complex injury with tragic results. The physical and psychological consequences of this childbirth injury are debilitating, traumatic and heart-breaking.
We are dedicated to providing lasting change for women and girls by addressing the root causes of obstetric fistula. Through training and providing skilled midwives, we aim to break the cycle of unrelieved obstructed labour that causes obstetric fistula in the first place.
Over the past 65 years, Hamlin has treated 70,000+ women suffering from Fistula. Despite this progress, an estimated 31,000 women still suffer from untreated birth injuries, with around 1,000 new cases each year.
Join us and save the lives of women and babies by ensuring excellent maternity care is accessible to all.
Established in 2005 at the request of Dr Catherine, Hamlin Charitable Fistula Hospitals Trust (known as Hamlin Fistula New Zealand) is a Kiwi charity committed to raising funds and awareness.
The wider Hamlin network includes the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital, five regional Fistula hospitals, the Desta Mender rehabilitation center, the Hamlin College of Midwives and over 90 Hamlin-supported rural midwifery clinics across Ethiopia. Join us in making a difference in the lives of these women by supporting Hamlin's vital work.
“Every mother is a family’s richest possession” - Dr Reg Hamlin OBE
"Congratulations to you… I believe this is God’s work on Earth, what you are doing." - Oprah Winfrey